How to Hang Wallpaper

A Guide to Hanging Wallpaper: Step-by-Step Instructions for Transforming Your Space

If you're eager to give your home a fresh new look, hanging wallpaper is an excellent way to add personality and style to your walls. While the task may seem intimidating at first, with the right guidance, you can achieve professional-looking results.

Materials You'll Need:
Before you begin, gather the following materials:

- Wallpaper: Choose a design that suits your style and complements your interior.
- Measuring tape: Essential for accurate measurements.
- Pencil: To mark guidelines and make precise cuts.
- Level or plum bob: Ensures straight lines and a professional finish.
- Utility knife: Needed for trimming wallpaper edges.
- Wallpaper brush or smoother: Helps to smooth out air bubbles and wrinkles.
- Wallpaper paste: Choose the appropriate type for your wallpaper.
- Bucket: To hold the paste during application.
- Sponge or cloth: For cleaning excess paste.

Step 1: Prepare Your Walls:
Start by preparing your walls for the wallpaper application. Remove any existing wallpaper, loose paint, or debris. Fill in cracks and holes with filler and sand the surface until it's smooth.

Step 2: Measure and Cut the Wallpaper:
Measure the height of your walls, adding a bit extra to accommodate any trimming. Cut strips of wallpaper to match the height of your walls, making sure to align the pattern if applicable. Use a pencil and level to mark a straight vertical guideline on the wall, ensuring your first strip will be perfectly aligned. It's always better to cut longer strips as you can trim the excess later.

Step 3: Apply the Wallpaper Paste:
If you're using traditional wallpaper, apply the paste evenly on the back of the wallpaper using a brush or roller.  It's important to fold the pasted wallpaper in a concertina fashion, allowing the paste to activate for the recommended time. This step ensures optimal adhesion and prevents the wallpaper from drying out. If you're using a paste the wall wallpaper, paste the wall a little wider than the width of the roll then start to hang.

Step 4: Hang the Wallpaper:
Starting from the top, align the edge of the wallpaper strip with the guideline you marked earlier. Gently press the strip against the wall, smoothing it from top to bottom with a wallpaper brush or smoother. Work out any air bubbles or wrinkles as you go. Take care to match the patterns if your wallpaper has a repeating design. Continue hanging the remaining strips, slightly overlapping the edges to ensure a tight seam between each strip.

Step 5: Trim and Finish:
Once all the wallpaper strips are hung, use a sharp utility knife and a straight edge to trim the excess wallpaper at the ceiling and skirting boards. Take your time to achieve clean and precise cuts. For outlets and switches, turn off the power and carefully cut an "X" shape to allow the wallpaper to fold neatly around them. Use a damp sponge or cloth to gently wipe away any remaining paste residue, taking care not to smudge the wallpaper. Allow the wallpaper to dry thoroughly before moving or adding furniture.

Hanging wallpaper is a creative and rewarding process that allows you to personalize your living space. By following this friendly step-by-step guide, you can achieve professional-looking